Anonymous voice changer. how it works.

Hello, Guys am sure you have wondered what kinda voice do the  Anonymous uses when broadcasting on air, and you may have also tried your hands to download some of the voice changers applications, which resemble with real anonymous voice, and today will show you the exact voice changing machine that actual anonymous hackers use today. The Anonymous voice changer download link;  here Use the key below to Activate it. Register Name: Register Company name: The Registerd Lisence key: AA-15F01A-9719E1-EC031E-4C97F2-65ACA8 PLEAS TAKE Note: I Don't Make Any Copyright Infringements.

installing WordPress on Kali linux

As we'll know wordpressis an open source website bulider and blogging which php,over 20% of the blogg and website on the internet is beening manager by also has over 20-30 thousand plugging to add more functionality to you website.

before we install Word Press we need to install what is known as LAMP(Linux Apache Mysql Php) as our server.Note: you can also use this process to install it on any linux distrbution.
For     Apache use: "Sudo apt-get install apache2"
                      Mysql: "sudo apt-get install mysql"
                                 php:"sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin"

Now that  we are done install our LAMP, we can now install wordpress

1. let download wordpress, use the command "wget" when dis is done you'll get a zip wordpress which you will have to unzip. after you unzip, it will be in a foulder call "wordpress"

2. Creating a Database for our wordpress.,
 we will create a databases for our wordpress using mysql, now we'll start apache, "service apache2 start" and mysql database "service mysql start"
 next use  mysql -u -root -p( -u is user which is -root, -p is the password, so if you use a password when install mysql then you will have to type it in the next line if not just hit enter.)  now let create the databases and call it wordpress, you can name it anything if you wish to.

 " create database wordpress12;" i use this name coz i already a wordpress database.   

 when you do a "show database;" you all see the database we just created.

 exit mysql shell "exit" let copy the unzip file to a foulder call "/var/www"

4. open the "/var/www/wordpress" and locate a file call "wp.config.php"

use any text editor to edit the file

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'nasword');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'VERA');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

after which yousave and Exit

finally try accessing the wordpress installation file
now the wordpress on-line installation page is up and waiting for you.


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