
Anonymous voice changer. how it works.

Hello, Guys am sure you have wondered what kinda voice do the  Anonymous uses when broadcasting on air, and you may have also tried your hands to download some of the voice changers applications, which resemble with real anonymous voice, and today will show you the exact voice changing machine that actual anonymous hackers use today. The Anonymous voice changer download link;  here Use the key below to Activate it. Register Name: Register Company name: The Registerd Lisence key: AA-15F01A-9719E1-EC031E-4C97F2-65ACA8 PLEAS TAKE Note: I Don't Make Any Copyright Infringements.

Increase the Kali Linux signal strength.

first thing first we need to check to know our current DBS before moving forward   open up the terminal and type in "iwconfig" yours should look like my own file below. the "root@dantepython" is your system name and who is currently login" root@dantepython:~# iwconfig lo     no wireless extensions. eth0    no wireless extensions. wlan0   IEEE 802.11  ESSID           Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.427 GHz  Access Point: D2:88:O2:74:DC:13            Bit Rate=65 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm (this what we are looking for)           Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off           Encryption key:off           Power Management:off           Link Quality=49/70  Signal level=-61 dBm           Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0           Tx excessive retries:18  Invalid misc:15   Missed beacon:0 now we are going to increase it by using typing in the following command in our terminal. you input the command one after the other   ifconfig wlan0 dow

Changing Your Time zone in Linux.

to those who are asking how to change the time zone using the terminal. here we go/  first Open up your terminal control +T   type into the terminal  dpkg-reconfigure tztata  hit enter. a GUI will display 

Installing Tails:The world's most secure OS.

Today I'll be showing you a step by step way on how to install the worlds most secure OS on a Pendrive. Tails is an encrypted OS that makes you anonymous online and that bundles widely open-source privacy tools on a USB device. it also knew as one of the world's most secure systems. the Tails OS got its popularity after the NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden  which he used to secure his identity when sharing secrets files with Glenn Greenwald and Laure Poitras . another this to know is that the Tails OS is an acronym for The Amnesic Incognito Live System. The OS is very easy to install on any PC from a USB drive or DVD all its files are encrypted FEW THIS TO HAVE BEFORE WE START 1.A System windows 7 or higher  2 A USB Drive 4GB or More 3. Your Phone, A printer or a second computer. Warnings. Tails does not protect you from everything it cannot protect against compromised hardware, compromised software, or user error! Now Let Get started. step one: get your system to navigate H

Regent University Ghana to auction some of it building?

Regent University college of science and technology ghana one of the leading private University in the country to auction some of it building   due to a Gh:9m ghana debt , the University in a press  release: We have taken notice of publications circulating online and in the news media regarding the seizure and auction of some assets of Regent University College of Science and Technology (RUCST). Certainly, we have some financial obligations towards Obokom Civil Engineering Works Limited in respect of one of the buildings of the Institution. The company and its owner, Nana Obokomata IX has secured a court order against the property, but we are still in discussion with the company and its owner and we expect an amicable settlement soon.Secondly, the report that RUCST has been auctioned is incorrect. We wish to assure all students, staff and other stakeholders that arrangements are in place  to successfully end the semester by June 30th, 2020. The current matter does not inter

North Korean Malicious Cyber Activity's

This Month, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),  the Department of Defense (DoD) released a  three full malware Analysis Reports (MARs) on malware variants used by  North Korean government. May 12, 2020: Malware Analysis Report (1028834-1.v1) – North Korean Remote Access Tool: COPPERHEDGE May 12, 2020: Malware Analysis Report (1028834-2.v1) – North Korean Trojan: TAINTEDSCRIBE May 12, 2020: Malware Analysis Report (1028834-3.v1) – North Korean Trojan: PEBBLEDASH The data contained in the cautions and MARs recorded above is the consequence of logical endeavors between the CISA, FBI and the DOD.

DHS CISA and FBI just share list of top 10 most exploited vulnerabilities

DHS CISA and FBI share list of top 10 most exploited vulnerabilities  The Cybersecurity and Foundation Security Office (CISA), the Government Agency of Examination (FBI), and the more extensive U.S. Government are giving this specialized direction to exhort IT security experts at open and private area associations to put an expanded need on fixing the most regularly realized vulnerabilities abused by modern outside digital entertainers. Below are the top ten vulnerabilities in no order of such. click her to check full list

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