Anonymous voice changer. how it works.

Hello, Guys am sure you have wondered what kinda voice do the  Anonymous uses when broadcasting on air, and you may have also tried your hands to download some of the voice changers applications, which resemble with real anonymous voice, and today will show you the exact voice changing machine that actual anonymous hackers use today. The Anonymous voice changer download link;  here Use the key below to Activate it. Register Name: Register Company name: The Registerd Lisence key: AA-15F01A-9719E1-EC031E-4C97F2-65ACA8 PLEAS TAKE Note: I Don't Make Any Copyright Infringements.

Israeli cabinet held secret meeting for Iranian

 Israeli security cabinet held a top level secret meeting on Thursday to discuss a highly unusual Iranian cyberattack against the  Israeli civilian water infrastructure that took place two weeks ago, Israeli officials tell me.
The Iranian cyberattack didn't cause much damage, but Israeli officials say the government sees the attack as a major escalation by the Iranians, and the crossing of a red line due to the fact that the target was civilian water facilities. 
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